Grit of a mother, and an anonymous donor!

In 2006 a young mother of three, Kulveer Kaur, became a widow with her youngest daughter hardly a year old. With no education, no land, no other source of income, she chose to work at people’s farms just the way many others in her community did. During the busy days of cotton picking season, she would save the chai she would get at the farm and bring to her small hamlet for her kids. She sent all her kids to a nearby government school in hopes of them having a better life than she did.

17 years later, sitting in her #PMAwasYojana house near NP5 village in district SriGanganagar of #Rajasthan, she recounted the story amid tears. The work at the farms had continued as is but there was satisfaction that some of her life-journey had paid off. The oldest daughter was able to study till college, with help from her school teachers. The son dropped out of school after 8th grade to provide financial support at home, and started work at a mechanic shop. The youngest one, Kuldeep, was very hard working and wanted to become a doctor. With responsibility for house chores and limited resources at the school, she managed to score among the top students at her school. Yet the path to becoming a doctor was a long and unaffordable one. She chose to enroll for the next best option, a nursing school not far from her house. With her marks, she easily got the admission but the fee was still higher than what her mother’s seasonal cotton picking and farm work could manage.

That’s when someone on #linkedin reached out, after reading one of the earlier stories of our #GivingCircle. She wanted to keep the donation anonymous but understands the far reaching generational impact Kuldeep’s success will create. The generosity of our sponsors makes a real difference in the lives of #ruralgirls and their families.

We invite you to stretch your arm to support #dreams for another girl from rural Bharat in the year 2024. Write to us at 
